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No rainbow without a little rain

What I’ve learnt through my experiences is that in life, it can’t all be sunshine and in order for there to be a rainbow, there must be some rain. One of the biggest challenges that took me a long time to overcome was accepting my journey for what it was and not looking at it as though I had been hard done by. I have had a lot of hardships in life but that isn't to say I'm any worse off than any other person because of them and the key here is the mindset. A positive or negative mindset will determine your whole overall outlook on life. The way you look at the challenges life has given you essentially sets the premise for the type of life you will live. 

The important thing is to change our thinking from 'this is so unfair' to understanding the positives that can be taken from the experience. In my case, instead of looking at the challenges I've faced as cruel or unfair, I look at them as experiences that have helped me to learn and grow. I really am thankful for my struggles because they helped me to discover my strength and I know if it wasn't for those battles, I wouldn't be half the person I am today.

There are many things that we can take from our struggles, personal growth, learning experiences, an unknown strength, and a better understanding and appreciation. If we can realise that there’s always something positive to be taken from a difficult situation, I think we would all generally live happier lives.

So many people go through life feeling like they're so hard done by and have a terrible life when really there’s always someone worse off than us. If you think about it, anyone living in the first world is better off than somebody and it’s important to appreciate the little day-to-day things more and realise how lucky we really are. People with little to nothing are often a great deal happier than someone who has a lot and it all just depends on the person's outlook on life.  These people will appreciate their life and what they have a lot more than those who have more, which essentially leads them to live happier lives. Don't dwell on the negatives and the difficulties you've had, learn to understand and appreciate what you have achieved because of them.

The real point to be made in this post comes from the truth in the saying that there's no rainbow without a little rain. Sometimes in life, we have to go through dark times in order for us to really truly appreciate the happy ones. Without a little darkness, we would never appreciate the light as much as we do.

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